Message from the President

Dear all,

It was with a lot of pleasure that I joined the SECIMEP when my career led me in the business world of the Packaging, Marking, Control, and Processes, and I was delighted to accept to  become its new President, in order to pursue the path marked out by my predecessors.

At first, I consider this mission only through a collective journey, which makes sense to a Trade Association. The key point of the SECIMEP is to gather members with a very strong involvement, bringing discussions always fed by the same passion for our jobs. And if one of our missions is to create added value for our business, then I am proud to be able to contribute to it by leading our very dynamic meetings, always in a very friendly atmosphere.

The SECIMEP, thanks to its size and to the strong representativeness of the sector, allows strengthening partnerships with exhibition organizers, proposes links with the press specialists, but is also fed by each member for a better understanding of the market trends.Of course this is done through a strong Code of Business Ethics which is the base of our exchanges.

 I do not forget a projection in the future, at the heart of our development priorities. It is of course essential to work on the attractiveness of our sector, and all related jobs . Integration of young people, creation of vocations, participation to the evolution of careers, and improvement of skills: these are clearly our challenges if we want to continue to grow tomorrow, and the SECIMEP will commit to it.

Finally I cannot conclude without mentionning our membership in the FICIME (Fédération des Entreprises Internationales de la Mécanique et de l’Electronique), which gives to all of us a rich access in expertise in the daily management of our companies, and this whoever the size.

You understood it: the SECIMEP gathers women and men at the head of dynamic companies, making up a group opened on the outside world: your experiences and your expertise are welcome to enrich the SECIMEP team, and we shall welcome you with a great pleasure.

SECIMEP, the beautiful place to grow up together!

 Christophe MOULIN

President of SECIMEP

President of MARKEM-IMAJE SAS France